So what else is new? The final stages of my move from the spacious Saratoga, CA house in the hills to my humble apartment in Mountain View, CA are now complete. I'm pleased with how everything turned out and am glad that the entire process was, for the most part, painless. With this move comes a shorter commute to work (10 minutes, no freeway) and a wanton desire to purchase needless (but cool) things for my new place. A picture here.
I never was a fan of webcam chatting; I found it to be odd and considered it either something out of a 'You've Got Mail'-type movie or internet peep-show. However, actually trying it changed my preconceived notions of it. I recently reconnected with a friend of mine who is working in the Washington, DC area and she uses a webcam to keep in touch with her friends and family all over the world (she is originally from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Seeing her in real-time was pretty cool, albeit the choppy and mediocre image quality. It made me want to get one of these for my Macs. We'll see.
As a final plug: Use it. Love it. I will say no more because I don't want to find myself among the unemployed due to careless and overzealous blogging about work-related projects.
Have a great week.