Good times in Beantown. Spent some quality time with family and old friends. Got back about a week ago. Random pictures...
Nothing like an over-sized can of Heineken with the guys.
Gift swap @Benny's (the semi-crazy version).
Ahh, Boston. Sometimes, I miss driving down Comm. Ave.
Uh oh...
It's the retun of the infamous "Bunny."
Things I
didn't miss: the pot hole-filled roads, "Masshole" drivers and ridiculous BigDig traffic:
Welcome to Boston. Just before Tobin bridge, on a Saturday afternoon!
Are we there yet? 40 minutes later, I've moved 3 miles.
This past week was brutal and add to that, I got sick. I'm thinking I caught something during the plane ride back (ahh, recycled air). Nonetheless, it feels good to be back in the Bay area. Bring on another week, I guess...