Sunday, November 06, 2005

New toy

So I've been talking about getting a mountain bike for a long time (since I moved into my apartment), but never got around to it. This weekend, I decided that it was time. I ended up picking up a Specialized Enduro Comp 130 (click "USA" if page asks)..

It's amazing how much bike technology has progessed since I was 14 years old and thought my Trek 800 Mountain Trail was the best thing since sliced bread. Things like hydraulic disc brakes and dual air suspension were unheard of back then.

I took it out on 10 mile rides on Saturday and Sunday. Overall, the bike rides well pretty much everywhere. On the road, it's civilized and on the trail, it plows through anything I can pedal through. The dual Fox suspension is good going both up and downhill (with front fork lock-out for uphill climbs).

I plan on riding into work whenever it's safe and dry (may be limited with winter now here). We'll see how that works out.

My sister sent me a painting she did for me a few months ago from Boston:

I decided the best place to hang it was above my headboard:

It's Sunday night, which means that tomorrow is Monday, which means that the grind must again begin. Have a great week.


Anonymous said...

i wANT A NEW TOY! =)

Anonymous said...

glad it arrived safely, taeeun. This painting is a message of Hope.
And hope cannot be sought after~ until

the other is hated enough.

love you so much.
Seek God with all that you have. that is enough.He will provide the rest.