A picture taken from our Club House seats.
Jeff getting beaten up by "Stomper" (the A's mascot) for wearing a Mariners jersey and me.
So ever since my parents sent me my golf clubs a few weeks ago, I've been getting really into it again. Since there's a golf course right across the street from work and the weather's been pretty warm, there's really no reason not to go. My roommate and I frequent Don Sherwood's (a huge golf store here) and spend large sums of money while we're there. =( My most recent purchase was a Callaway VFT Big Bertha Titanium-head driver. The thing is a beast and makes that nice sound when I hit the ball with it. Speaking of golf, I saw a picture of Grace Park in a Golf Digest recently and found her to be kind of cute. I think the fact that she's got so much game attributes to the appeal.
Practicing my short game.
Korean Golf goddess Grace Park , Callaway VFT B.B Titanium Driver