Sunday, April 11, 2004

Visual Stimulation.

Happy Easter everyone. I should have gone to church this morning, but I went to the Coliseum in Oakland to watch the A's play the Mariners instead. I couldn't back out because we had already bought the tickets well in advance and I didn't realize that it was on Easter Sunday. It was a good game and it went into extra innings, but I don't think I could justify going to hell for it. I should go repent. Some pictures from the game:

A picture taken from our Club House seats.

Jeff getting beaten up by "Stomper" (the A's mascot) for wearing a Mariners jersey and me.

So I've been getting requests (from the two people that read this?) to post some pictures up here. Is my colorful verbiage not enough to keep you interested? Actually, looking back at my past posts, I can't blame you. It looks like all I write about is meaningless crap. I'll do my best to post some completely irrelevant images to compliment my meaningless entries from time to time.

So ever since my parents sent me my golf clubs a few weeks ago, I've been getting really into it again. Since there's a golf course right across the street from work and the weather's been pretty warm, there's really no reason not to go. My roommate and I frequent Don Sherwood's (a huge golf store here) and spend large sums of money while we're there. =( My most recent purchase was a Callaway VFT Big Bertha Titanium-head driver. The thing is a beast and makes that nice sound when I hit the ball with it. Speaking of golf, I saw a picture of Grace Park in a Golf Digest recently and found her to be kind of cute. I think the fact that she's got so much game attributes to the appeal.

Practicing my short game.

Korean Golf goddess Grace Park , Callaway VFT B.B Titanium Driver

Where do the weekends go? It's already Sunday, which means another week ahead of me...