Thursday, December 28, 2006

Dear God

I saw this on a friend's page... the innocence and naivete of children can be pretty amusing sometimes. I'm totally with Ginny below; we definitely need some days off between Christmas and Easter. God?

Also taken from a friend's page; Peter seems to be trying his hand at math using the wrong side of his brain. I say give him partial credit for creativity.

Hope everyone had an enjoyable Christmas with friends and family. With a new year around the corner, there are many resolutions being made. I've always wondered why one should wait 365 days to make a resolution to improve your life or the lives of those around you. Every new day should bring with it an opportunity to change something large or small in your life, no?

Always a challenge, always a journey...


Anonymous said...

hello -
Just happened to drop by thru kyung oppa's website while wasting tim..i mean, cruising online :)
The kids' letters were so cute and funny - thanks for sharing!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hey all those letters are compiled in a book i have... "Children's Letters to God." it's one of my favorites! and you know what i like in a book... short, easy reading, big font, and lots of pictures.


Anonymous said...