Monday, February 19, 2007

Nerdom (and President's Day Weekend)

I've been trying to resist the urge to post nerdy content here, but I really can't help it; deal with it. As expected, Microsoft Vista was nothing more than a lot of hype followed by confusion and disappointment. It may look pretty, but it's a lot like plastic surgery: knowing what's underneath the pretty facade detracts from its attractiveness. Was that an effective analogy?

Poking fun at MSFT. Always fun times...

A couple of guys from Andover, MA (my hometown) threw this short clip together.
Testament to the fact that there's absolutely nothing to do there.

Had a good long weekend. Spent a majority of it with JC and the Pac-Heights girls. Short recap (I'd post pictures, but I don't have any. When I get my camera back from Gangsta Hwangsta, I'll post them):
  • Friday night: JC and I went to "G3" (a lame SF Korean lounge) out of sheer curiosity (never again). We left after two Crown shots, a vodka tonic and a very awkward encounter with a woman who resembled both of our aunts (45 min total). We then met Sarah, Jen, Gloria, Robin and Min at Rouge to cap off the evening. Most memorable quote from Rouge:
    • [Jason measuring go-go dancer's heel with his fingers as she dances on the bar]
      Go-Go Dancer: "It's seven inches."
      Jason: "Yea? So's mine."

  • Saturday: Hit up the driving range with JC, only to quickly come to the sad realization that we both suck at golf. Ate shabu, then passed out (not together; at our own respective apartments, you bastards).

  • Sunday: Drove up to Napa with JC, Sarah and Jen. Drank wine and ate all day, only to come back to SF to continue our gluttony at the House of Prime Rib. Most memorable quote from Napa:
    • Jen Tai (after tasting a St. Clement Cabernet): "This tastes like Chinese medicine!"

  • Monday: Vegetated. "Time wasted is never truly wasted, if you enjoyed wasting it."

* Shameless cross-blog plug: new post on my TEK Automotive Review blog.


Anonymous said...

geek humor rocks!

chuoszu said...

i feel soooo much better about all the time i waste now :)